

A Popover component is a UI element that presents supplementary information or actions related to a specific trigger element, typically appearing in a small overlay. It offers a convenient way to display contextual content such as tooltips, forms, or menus without cluttering the main interface, enhancing user experience and interaction. Popovers can be triggered by various user actions like hovering, clicking, or focusing on an element, providing flexibility in design and functionality.

The Popover component is built upon the Overlay component, inheriting its functionality and extending it to cater specifically to popover behavior. This means that all options available in the Overlay component are also accessible as arguments in the Content yielded component. Thus, users can leverage the full range of customization options provided by the Overlay component seamlessly within the context of popovers, ensuring consistency and flexibility in UI design and behavior.


import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';


import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';

  <Popover as |p|>
    <Button {{p.trigger}} {{p.anchor}}>
      Toggle Popover

    <p.Content @class='p-2'>
      This is some example content for the popover. It can contain anything.

Focus Trapping

Prevents the user from tabbing outside of the popover content while it's open, ensuring better accessibility and usability. To enable this option, ensure a focusable element is rendered at all times within the popover content.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';
import { Input } from '@frontile/forms';

  <Popover as |p|>
    <Button {{p.trigger}} {{p.anchor}}>
      Toggle Popover

    <p.Content @disableFocusTrap={{false}} @class='p-4'>
      <Input @label='First Name' class='mb-2' />
      <Input @label='Last Name' class='mb-2' />

The Trigger

Besides triggering the popover through a click event, alternative methods are available for managing the visibility of the content. The Popover component yields functions such as open, close, or toggle, offering convenient control over the popover's behavior.

In the example below, the popover is showned when the user hovers the trigger button.

import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';
import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

  <Popover as |pop|>
      {{on 'mouseenter'}}
      {{on 'mouseleave' pop.close}}
      Hover me

    <pop.Content @class='p-2'>
      Hovered content

Blocking Window Scroll

Prevent scrolling of the main window when the popover is open, focusing the user's attention on the popover content.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';
import { Input } from '@frontile/forms';

  <Popover as |p|>
    <Button {{p.trigger}} {{p.anchor}}>
      Toggle Popover

    <p.Content @blockScroll={{true}} @disableFocusTrap={{false}} @class='p-4'>
      <Input @label='First Name' class='mb-2' />
      <Input @label='Last Name' class='mb-2' />

Backdrop Options

Choose from various backdrop options such as none, faded, blur, or transparent.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';
import { Input } from '@frontile/forms';

const backdrops = ['none', 'faded', 'blur', 'transparent'];

  {{#each backdrops as |backdrop|}}
    <Popover as |p|>
      <Button {{p.trigger}} {{p.anchor}}>

        <Input @label='First Name' class='mb-2' />
        <Input @label='Last Name' class='mb-2' />


Easily specify the placement of the popover relative to its trigger element, ensuring optimal positioning in various UI layouts.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';

const placements = [

  <div class='flex flex-wrap md:inline-grid md:grid-cols-3 gap-4'>
    {{#each placements as |placement|}}
      <Popover @placement={{placement}} as |p|>
        <Button {{p.trigger}} {{p.anchor}}>
        <p.Content @class='p-4'>
          This is some example content for the popover. It can contain anything.


The size of the content. It can be overwritten by passing width Tailwind classes to the Content yielded component.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';

const sizes = ['sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'];

  <div class='flex flex-wrap md:inline-grid md:grid-cols-4 gap-4'>
    {{#each sizes as |size|}}
      <Popover as |p|>
        <Button {{p.trigger}} {{p.anchor}}>
        <p.Content @size={{size}} @class='p-4'>
          This is some example content for the popover. It can contain anything.


You can use the isOpen and onOpenChange arguments to control whether the popover is open or closed.

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';
import { Divider } from '@frontile/utilities';
import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

export default class Example extends Component {
  @tracked isOpen = false;

  onOpenChange = (isOpen: boolean) => {
    this.isOpen = isOpen;

  open = () => {
    this.isOpen = true;

  close = () => {
    this.isOpen = false;

    <Button {{on 'click'}}>Open</Button>
    <Divider class='my-4' />

      as |pop|
      <Button {{pop.trigger}} {{pop.anchor}}>
        Toggle Popover

      <pop.Content @class='p-4'>
        This is some example content for the popover. Check the nested popover
        by clicking the button below.

        <Button {{on 'click' this.close}}>Close Popover</Button>

Stacking Popovers

When stacking Popovers, the behavior is designed to accommodate multiple layers of interaction seamlessly. Each Popover instance maintains its own context, allowing for a stacked arrangement of overlays. This means that users can trigger a new Popover from within an existing one, creating a stacked structure. When the "escape" key is pressed, the system intelligently identifies the most recently added overlay and closes it, ensuring a natural and intuitive user experience. Similarly, clicking outside of the overlays prioritizes the most recent addition, closing it before proceeding to the underlying layers.

import { Popover } from '@frontile/overlays';
import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

  <Popover as |pop|>
    <Button {{pop.trigger}} {{pop.anchor}}>
      Toggle Popover

    <pop.Content @class='p-4'>
      This is some example content for the popover. Check the nested popover by
      clicking the button below.

      <Popover @placement='right' as |pop|>
        <Button {{pop.trigger}} {{pop.anchor}} @class='mt-2'>
          Second Popover

        <pop.Content @class='p-4'>
            More content here, the nested overlay.
          <p class='mt-2'>
            Clicking outside or pressing Escape will close this Popover, and not
            the root Popover.



Element: HTMLUListElement


Name Type Default Description
didClose function -
flipOptions { mainAxis?: boolean; crossAxis?: boolean; fallbackPlacements?: Placement[]; fallbackStrategy?: 'bestFit' | 'initialPlacement'; fallbackAxisSideDirection?: 'none' | 'start' | 'end'; ... 5 more ...; boundary?: Boundary; } -
isOpen boolean -
middleware Array -
offsetOptions enum 5
onOpenChange function -
placement enum 'bottom-start' Placement of the menu when open
shiftOptions { mainAxis?: boolean; crossAxis?: boolean; rootBoundary?: RootBoundary; elementContext?: ElementContext; altBoundary?: boolean; padding?: Padding; limiter?: { ...; }; boundary?: Boundary; } -
strategy enum 'absolute'


Name Type Default Description
default * Array -


Element: HTMLDivElement

Component yielded from Popover


Name Type Default Description
id * string -
isOpen * boolean -
loop * ModifierLike<{ Element: HTMLElement; }> -
toggle * function -
backdrop enum -
backdropTransition Object -
blockScroll boolean true
class string -
closeOnEscapeKey boolean true Whether to close when the escape key is pressed
closeOnOutsideClick boolean true Whether to close when the area outside (the backdrop) is clicked
didClose function - A function that will be called when closing is finished executing, this includes waiting for animations/transitions to finish.
disableFocusTrap boolean true
disableTransitions boolean false Disable css transitions
focusTrapOptions unknown { clickOutsideDeactivates: true, allowOutsideClick: true } Focus trap options
onOpen function - A function that will be called when opened
preventAutoFocus boolean false When focusTrap is disabled, by default Oberlay will be auto focused. This option prevents that.
preventFocusRestore boolean -
renderInPlace boolean false Whether to render in place or in the specified/default destination
size enum 'md' The size of the content.
target enum - The target where to render the portal. There are 3 options: 1) `Element` object, 2) element id, 3) portal target name. For element id, string must be prefixed with `#`. If no value is passee in, we will render to the closest unnamed portal target, parent portal or `document.body`.
transition Object {name: 'overlay-transition--scale'} The transition to be used in the Modal.
transitionDuration number 200 Duration of the animation
triggerWidth number -


Name Type Default Description
default * Array -
Released under MIT License - Created by Josemar Luedke