

The Button component can be used to trigger an action, such as submitting a form, opening a modal, and more.


import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';


import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';


Button Appearances

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

    <Button @appearance='outlined'>Outlined</Button>
    <Button @appearance='minimal'>Minimal</Button>
    <Button @appearance='custom'>Custom</Button>
  <div class='mt-4'>
    <Button disabled>Default</Button>
    <Button @appearance='outlined' disabled>Outlined</Button>
    <Button @appearance='minimal' disabled>Minimal</Button>
    <Button @appearance='custom' disabled>Custom</Button>

The custom appearance is available for the cases where you might want to fully customize the appearance of the button. The default styles are mainly structural. Intent colors are applied as color.

Button Intents

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

    <Button @intent='primary'>Button</Button>
    <Button @intent='success'>Button</Button>
    <Button @intent='warning'>Button</Button>
    <Button @intent='danger'>Button</Button>
  <div class='mt-4'>
    <Button @intent='primary' disabled>Button</Button>
    <Button @intent='success' disabled>Button</Button>
    <Button @intent='warning' disabled>Button</Button>
    <Button @intent='danger' disabled>Button</Button>

Button Sizes

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

  <Button @size='xs'>Button</Button>
  <Button @size='sm'>Button</Button>
  <Button @size='lg'>Button</Button>
  <Button @size='xl'>Button</Button>

Renderless Button

Sometimes a button element is not ideal for a given case, but the same styles are still desired. Frontile provides the option to disable rendering the button element, but instead it yields back an object with the class names it would use.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

  <Button @isRenderless={{true}} as |btn|>
    <a href='javascript:void(0)' class={{btn.classNames}}>My Link</a>


You can compose appearance with intents and more to create the button that best fits your needs.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

  <Button @appearance='outlined' @intent='primary'>Button</Button>
  <Button @appearance='minimal' @intent='warning'>Button</Button>
  <Button @size='xs' @intent='danger'>Button</Button>

You can also use TailwindCSS classes to customize even further.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

  <Button @appearance='outlined' @intent='primary' @class='px-20 py-2 italic'>

Here is another example using TailwindCSS classes with the custom appearance.

import { Button } from '@frontile/buttons';

    class='bg-teal-100 hover:bg-teal-200 hover:text-teal-600 border-teal-600 rounded-none border-dashed'

Note that here we used the HTML attribute class, instead of the argument @class. Using the class attribute will just append the class names passed in, while the argument @class will override and merge TailwindCSS class names.



Element: HTMLButtonElement


Name Type Default Description
appearance enum 'default' The button appearance
class string - Custom class name, it will override the default ones using Tailwind Merge library.
intent enum - The intent of the button
isInGroup boolean - If button is part of a group. Most of the time, this is automatically set when using the ButtonGroup component.
isRenderless boolean - Disable rendering the button element. It yields an object with classNames instead.
size enum - The size of the button
type enum 'button' The HTML type of the button


Name Type Default Description
default * Array -
Released under MIT License - Created by Josemar Luedke