

A listbox presents a collection of items, offering the user the option to select or not, one or multiple items from the list. This component serves as the foundation for Select, Dropdowns, and other similar components.


import { Listbox } from '@frontile/collections';


In the example below, the listbox is configured in a multi-select mode, featuring a dynamic item list, and it permits an empty selection (no items chosen).

  • cheetah
  • crocodile
  • elephant
  • giraffe
  • kangaroo
  • koala
  • lemming
  • lemur
  • lion
  • lobster
  • panda
  • penguin
  • tiger
  • zebra
Selected Keys: ""
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { Listbox } from '@frontile/collections';

export default class DemoComponent extends Component {
  @tracked selectedKeys: string[] = [];

  onAction(key: string) {
    console.log('Click on key', key);

  onSelectionChange(keys: string[]) {
    this.selectedKeys = keys;

    <div class="w-[260px] border px-1 py-2 rounded border-default-200 text-foreground not-prose">
    <div class="py-2 px-1">
      Selected Keys: "{{this.selectedKeys}}"

const animals = [

Static items

In this example, static items are showcased, incorporating various features such as shortcuts and distinct intents, all within a no-selection mode.

  • My Profile View my profile
  • Settings ⌘⇧S
  • Notifications ⌘⇧N
  • Reset Settings
  • Delete Account ⌘⇧D
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { Listbox } from '@frontile/collections';

const disabledKeys = ['reset']

export default class DemoComponent extends Component {

  onAction(key: string) {
    console.log('Click on key', key);

    <div class="w-[260px] border px-1 py-2 rounded border-default-200 text-foreground not-prose">
        as |l|
        <l.Item @key="profile" @description="View my profile">
          My Profile
        <l.Item @key="settings" @shortcut="⌘⇧S">Settings</l.Item>
        <l.Item @key="notifications" @shortcut="⌘⇧N" @withDivider={{true}}>
          Reset Settings 
          Delete Account

Kindly be aware that the implementation of shortcut event handling is your responsibility.



Element: HTMLUListElement


Name Type Default Description
allowEmpty boolean -
appearance enum 'default' The appearance of each item
autoActivateMode enum -
class string -
disabledKeys Array -
elementToAddKeyboardEvents HTMLElement null The element to add keyboard events to. This does not respect the option `iskeyboardEventsEnabled`.
intent enum - The intent of each item
isKeyboardEventsEnabled boolean -
items Array -
onAction function -
onActiveItemChange function -
onSelectionChange function -
selectedKeys Array -
selectionMode enum -
type enum -


Name Type Default Description
item * Array -
default * Array -


Element: HTMLLIElement


Name Type Default Description
key * string -
manager * ListManager -
appearance enum 'default' The appearance of each item
class string -
description string -
intent enum - The intent of each item
onClick function -
shortcut string -
textValue string -
type enum -
withDivider boolean -


Name Type Default Description
default * Array -
selectedIcon * Array -
start * Array -
end * Array -
Released under MIT License - Created by Josemar Luedke