

Frontile is separated into several packages so you can choose what features you want in your project. Here you can find information on how to install all the packages.


Independently of which packages you will use, you will need to have the Core and Theme package installed.

ember install @frontile/utilities
ember install @frontile/theme
ember install @frontile/buttons
ember install @frontile/collections
ember install @frontile/status
ember install @frontile/forms
ember install @frontile/changeset-form
ember install @frontile/notifications
ember install @frontile/overlays

Setup Theme

Add frontile plugin to your tailwind tailwind.config.js, add options to content and safelist.

// tailwind.config.js
const { frontile, safelist } = require('@frontile/theme/plugin');

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  darkMode: 'class',
  plugins: [frontile()],

  content: [
    // ....

  safelist: [

    // Power Select
    { pattern: /^ember-power-select/ }
  // ...

Released under MIT License - Created by Josemar Luedke